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can you have a fulfilling sex life without a partner?

Can you have a fulfilling sex life without a partner?

Judging by the plethora of sex toys and sex aids on this website, the answer should be pretty obvious what we think…

But for the sake of argument, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

having a sexual relationship with a partner:

Sex with a partner can produce feelings of love and intimacy between you both, including releasing your happy hormones, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.

Oxytocin is the love or cuddle hormone that is associated with bonding with babies and romantic partners and can reduce stress and anxiety.

Sexual intercourse can also benefit you in other areas, such as boosting your immunity to diseases, lessening blood pressure and helping you feel calmer.

However, that’s not to say you can’t have just as many benefits to a solo sex life.

Let’s think of the reasons why you might prefer being single and satisfied to paired up and pained, just because that’s what everyone does.

being happy alone is better than a relationship of convenience

Parents, friends, co-workers and society may be on at you to get hitched, your body clock’s ticking and all that.

But let’s say you haven’t met the right person yet, or you left a relationship that was a bad fit for you, or maybe you’re single by choice or loving your career and you prefer not to muddy the waters with a partner.

In these cases, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy exploring sex on your own – and you don’t even need an excuse!

You’re much better being happy in your own company before you invite someone else to share your life. People who have horrible partners or hate themselves have a terrible sex life anyway, so you might as well enhance your own.

you don’t need a partner to be happy

Sex is a pleasurable addition to your life, but it’s not something you need to be fundamentally happy, unlike friendship or a job that you don’t hate.

According to one study of over 17,000 adults in the US, people who hadn’t had sex in the last five years reported being just as happy as people who had. We don’t know if they were pleasuring themselves, but there was no partner involved.

you get to know yourself better

If you enter a relationship without fully knowing what you enjoy in the bedroom, the poor bedroom performance of a partner who doesn’t know how to satisfy can impact your own relationship with sex.

For example, it can be difficult for some women to reach climax, and if they’ve never had an orgasm before, they might believe the problem is with their physiology rather than the fact that they simply haven’t found what works for them.

Being single gives you a chance to explore your own desires without judgement or worrying you’re frustrating someone else’s climax.

Once you’ve found what turns you on, you can share this knowledge in any future relationships. 

There are plenty of products that can help you discover your sexier side – not just vibrators. Browse lots of them here.

work through any issues you have around sex in a safe space

We all have issues or a stigma around sex – Especially if you’ve had a traumatic relationship in the past or you’ve been brought up in a religious household. Perhaps not feeling good enough at sex is what’s holding you back.

Keeping this baggage when in a relationship can impede true intimacy, but having a solo sex-life gives you the time and emotional space to find a truly fulfilling relationship with sex.

What’s more you get to value yourself as a sexual being without any fear of embarrassment.

being alone can be satisfying until you decide to invite someone else in…

Being single can be a life choice, but it could also be a temporary period of time out between relationships. And once you do decide to partner up, you can still keep the sex toys, either to enjoy as a couple or to maintain a bit of “me-time.”

Here are a few products we recommend if you’re just getting started…

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