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Is it a Dating myth? Clear up the fact from the fiction

Treating them mean keeps them keen or so we’ve heard, but is there any truth in this dating myth?
We’ll be taking a look at some of the popular dating myths that have been around since the beginning of time… or at least since the beginning of dating apps.
More importantly – we’ll be discovering whether any are real…
myth 1: treating them mean keeps them keen
Let’s start with perhaps the biggest myth of them all.
Many of us have been taught to hide our feelings and to appear rather cool with those that we’re most attracted to, I.e. – treating them mean to keep them keen.
Whilst everyone loves a little bit of mystery – if you treat people too ‘mean’ don’t expect them to fall adoringly in love with you.
Being open and honest with how you feel is never a bad thing. At least this way your feelings can be understood and you will both be on the same page.
Be cheeky, of course, don’t give everything away at once, but don’t be mean for mean’s sake. It might not end too well!
myth 2: you can’t have sex on the first date
Says who?
In the 21st century, it’s up to you when you do the deed.
There’s no judgment on whether it’s the first, third, or fortieth date.
Providing you’ve both consented and you’re protected, sex on the first date can be very passionate and super exciting.
myth 3: a certain number of dates means you should do certain things
This follows on from the point above.
We often hear people say things like “Oooo date number 3 – means one thing…”.
However, you should never feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do because there’s an expectation that after a certain number of dates you should.
We connect and grow feelings with people at different times, there’s no one standard timeframe that fits all.
If you fancy getting intimate with somebody then that is great – you two can explore one another’s bodies and take things to the next level.
However this could happen at any stage of the dating game.
myth 4: online dating won’t lead to anything serious
Meeting new people in the real world is kinda hard these days.
We’re all pretty much glued to our phones, so it’s only natural that we’ve adapted with the times and downloaded all the dating apps under the sun.
Tinder, Hinge, Bumble – you name it and we’ve probably tried it…
However are they designed for long lasting love?
We’re all on dating apps for different things.
Admittedly, some people will just want to find casual hook ups, and not seek anything serious. However, this doesn’t mean that this is the case for everybody.
If you’re looking for a relationship – make it known. There will be other people looking for a meaningful connection with someone too.
So don’t let the myth that online dating apps are only for hooking up put you off, because it’s just that – a myth.
myth 5: dating is awkward if you don’t know the person
Dating is all about confidence.
Before your first date with someone new, you may feel a little anxious and worried that things won’t go to plan.
However there’s nothing productive about pre-empting a disaster date, because it could end up an amazing one.
Providing you feel confident in yourself, and you’re ready to invest some time into somebody new, dating can be a great experience.
So put on your favourite perfume or aftershave, wear your best smile, and go out ready to have a good time.
know your fact from your fiction…
So now that we’ve cleared up a few of those dreaded dating myths – there’s nothing left to fear. It’s time to be yourself, follow your heart and connect with new people – remember do what feels right and mutual, and you’ll be a dating success.