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Say Yes to a Naughty New Year: 5 New Year’s Resolutions that you’ll want to keep

Say Yes to a Naughty New Year: 5 New Year’s Resolutions that you’ll want to keep

It’s that time of year where we try to commit ourselves to some New Year’s resolutions – ones that will make 2022 a better and brighter year.

When we think of resolutions here at My Love Bunny, we’re pretty committed to making them pleasurable. Rather than denying yourself something you love, why not create a resolution that you’ll want to keep…

These are 5 sexy New Year’s resolution ideas that might just transform your sex life not just for this year, but for life.

experiment with toys

Fancy mixing things up this year?

Well, if you haven’t already delved into the world of sex toys, then this should be your year to do it.

According to research, almost half of the UK population use sex toys. This means there are still a lot of you who are yet to have your sex life transformed.

With sex toys coming in all different shapes, colours and sizes, you can be as discreet or as loud as you like with your choices.

From clit vibrators, to cock rings there really is something for everyone – so why not have a browse and say YES to more orgasms in 2022?

say yes to more foreplay

There’s something about the build-up to the main event that is very sexy.

When you’re feeling hot and passionate with your partner you might just want to jump straight into your favourite positions.

However in 2022 why not allow the suspense to last just a little longer?

Teasing your partner and playing around with one another’s bodies is a great way to discover what makes them really tick.

Oh, and when you do finally get down to doing the deed – the temperature in that bedroom will certainly be rising.

live it out your fantasies

Fed up of your sexual fantasies being merely fiction?

Well, this year could be your year to finally live out your daring desires.

Don’t be embarrassed by your kinks, because we all have certain things that make us tick.

Whether you want to ease yourself into BDSM or you’ve been dreaming of bringing some saucy costumes into your sex life – it’s time to talk with your partner.

This year make the commitment to talk through your fantasies with your partner, and see if they’re on board to try something new.

It could just work wonders for your sex life.

be protected – always

Have you been guilty of getting taken away in the moment in the past?

Well, this year why not make it your foremost priority to protect yourself and your body?

Using condoms is so important for your wellbeing, especially when you’re interacting with new people.

Popping a couple in your pocket, purse or wallet is never a bad thing.

Be prepared for all eventualities, still be wild and fun in 2022, but ensure you keep your resolution and do it safely!

keep a sex diary

Dear diary, I’ve just figured out something that makes me really tick…

Keeping a sex diary is a great New Year’s resolution for you to commit to in 2022.

You can keep a track of all the things you’ve tried, the toys that make you scream, and the positions you loved.

ready to commit to your New Year’s resolution?

We hope you’re feeling inspired and liberated to take on 2022 with one of our sexy New Year’s resolutions.

Here’s to a year full of amazing sex!

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