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why confidence is so sexy… and why it matters

why confidence is so sexy

Confident people always seem to get what they want.

It’s as though the world gravitates to them.

They get the best jobs, the coolest friends and never seem outwardly flustered.

Confidence is an amazingly attractive trait, too.

Giving yourself the self-worth you deserve is essential for healthy relationships. It’s also gorgeous. Our friends radiating positivity is something most of us can’t get enough of…

so, what’s the secret?

Confidence isn’t so much a quality in itself like kindness, generosity or intelligence.

Rather, confidence is an inner belief in your own worthiness, whether that reflects reality or not.

So, you can be overly confident, which translates to arrogance, or you can be under-confident, indicative of self-loathing and doubt.

Psychology Today describes it as “an awareness of who are you are regardless of how you compare or measure up to others. It shows people that you’re comfortable with yourself, which grants you a certain poise.”

This is good news, as it means that there are no set criteria for becoming confident. You can simply be it without worrying about feeling like a fraud.

It’s important to note that being confident about something you’re not trained in maybe a little unfounded.

For example, if you claim you can speak for an hour about a topic you’ve only read about in the Metro that morning, it’s probably better to be honest about your skill level than try to fake it.

However, if it’s about you as a person, confidence is simply a case of loving yourself just the way you are. You don’t need to lose weight or get a degree or earn more money to be a confident person. And you don’t need anyone else’s permission – You just have to decide.

why is confidence so irresistible?

 you don’t need the blessing of others to feel great

In short, confidence in yourself means you’re not relying on someone else to butter you up.

Remember that boy you liked in school that never wanted to go near you? He could probably smell your desperation.

We get like this when we find someone attractive, don’t we? We pin our self-worth on what that other person thinks about us.

And when they ignore us, it’s heart-breaking.

However, when it’s clear you love yourself, you’re not relying on anyone else to make you feel good. They don’t need to do anything… And any compliments they pay you are welcome – You don’t have to fish for them anymore!

you don’t sap the energy of a place

Another important point is that confidence makes you come across in a more positive light. You’re less of a drain and more of a radiator. People who are less sure of themselves can come to you for shelter from their own self-loathing. And because you have confidence in yourself, you probably have confidence in them too. This makes people love being around you.

confidence shows up on your face and in how you act

When we’re riddled with self-doubt, it shows up as tense facial expressions, worry lines and a fear of putting yourself into a fun situation.

People who love themselves, warts and all, don’t mind getting out on the dancefloor at parties, they’ll enjoy a laugh and seek out other people’s company. The more fun you have, the happier you feel. The happier you are, the more relaxed and glowing you appear.

you show interest in others

The irony is that a lack of self-confidence can actually be a self-centred, all-consuming activity. When you’re worried about not being boring, or people not liking you, then you’re missing out on great conversations.

People love to talk about themselves. Those who are secure enough to give others the floor will make more friends. So, stress less about how interesting you’re coming across and just ask interesting questions instead. Confident people lift others up.

confidence makes you self-assured in other aspects of life

From simple things like driving a car to cooking a delicious meal, being confident makes you sexy in all your every day acts. And then when you get into the bedroom, you bring your confidence in there. You know exactly what you need and want from your partner. Taking control is super sexy!


These few reasons illustrate why we can’t get enough of that sexy confidence. Luckily, it’s easy to boost with the right attire or costumes. Explore more here.

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